Who receives the Deutschlandsemesterticket?

To put it simply, from the summer semester of 2025, all students on Bachelor's, Diploma, Master's and postgraduate degree programmes will receive a  Deutschlandsemesterticket (DST) and are even obliged to purchase it (except for cases listed below)

Under certain conditions, however, it is possible to be exempted from the obligation to purchase the DST.

As things stand at present, the following do not receive a Deutschlandsemesterticket:

a. Guest students and secondary students within the meaning of the relevant Higher Education Act,
b. Students who are enrolled exclusively in an evening, online or distance learning course without compulsory attendance (‘distance learning students’),
c. Students on part-time and continuing education courses that are designed in such a way that the students are or can be predominantly employed rather than studying,
d. Students who can prove that they are taking a semester off or a semester abroad,
e. Students who are not members of the student body.

This means that students on our Master of Art Therapy programme are unfortunately unable to take advantage of the Germany semester ticket due to the provisions of the contract.

 Created by: Office of Study Affairs- 29/01/2024, last updated 05/02/2025, js