How to import my Nextcoud calendars editable in iOS or MacOS

Import your editable Nextcloud calendars to iphone or mac:

  1. click on the calendar icon of your Nextcloud
  2. click on "settings & import" in the lower left corner
  3. there "copy iOS/macOS CalDAV address"
  4. "" or
    paste into a text editor and edit it to:
  5. "caldav://" or

  6. Now create a CalDAV account on iOS or MacOS:
  7. on Mac: System Preferences > Internet Accounts > New Account > Other Account > CalDAV Account.
  8. on iPhone (until iOS 13): Settings > Passwords & Accounts > add account > other > CalDAV account.
    iOS 14 and later: Settings > Calendar > Account > add Account > other > CalDAV account.
  9. create each account with CalDAV URL, username, passport
  10. the calendar(s) will appear in the calendar app